"As I look at my window at Earth, it looks like a peaceful planet. But it's not. We must do better."
-Scott Kelly, Astronaut
-Scott Kelly, Astronaut
We live in a screwed up world. People beaten for no reason, random shootings. Shooting elderly people and little girls. Blasting continents without just cause. It's messed up. It is somewhat mind boggling reading all of the articles talking about how we need to stop abusing the Earth and fix it but shouldn't we be worried about the people living on it instead. Is the family in the house not more important than the house itself? People just need to chill and realize that.. we don't have to love each other but we shouldn't be killing each other just because. People criticise men like Hitler and Stalin for murdering so many people but what about all these other people out there who murder? And you can stand behind the facts and say "well Stalin and Hitler killed more people than the Virginia Tech shooter or the Arizona shooter." But isn't a life a life? Everyone can make a difference and everyone has potential but what's the point if the life expectancy drops to 30 because people can't control themselves? How are we supposed to obtain world peace when all the people with good ideas and lots of potential are being knocked off by idiots? People need to think before they act. How long is it going to take for man to realize that his actions are the nails in his coffin? We need change. Not Obama change. Not economic change. Not political change. Change of heart.
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."